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HEaring care

In conjunction with Harmony Hearing Crompton Opticians are pleased to be able to offer a full Hearing Aid service. 


Hearing aids work by amplifying external sound through a three-part system: The microphone receives sound which is then converted into a digital signal. The amplifier is designed to increase the strength of the digital signal. The speaker then produces the amplified sounds into the ear. 

  • Free no obligation hearing assessments

  • Live demonstration - hear before you buy

  • Video otoscopy (See inside your ear)

  • Free aftercare for life

  • Free batteries

  • Servicing & repairs

  • Custom built hearing protection

youung boy having a hearing test

early signs

Hearing loss is more often than not, a sneaky thief. It tends to creep up on you gradually, stealing your hearing in such small increments you suddenly find yourself having issues understanding conversation and missing some of your favourite sounds. 


FAQ: 'How can I tell if I have hearing loss?'

Only a qualified hearing health professional can tell you for definite, but here are three signs you may not be hearing to the best of your ability. 

Common sounds have seemingly disappeared

Take a moment and think—when was the last time you heard birds singing or crickets chirping? Do you hear the car’s turn signal when it’s blinking? Are you having trouble hearing your partner or grandchildren when they speak? 

These higher pitched sounds and voices register at frequencies of 2,000 Hz or higher, meaning those with high frequency hearing loss have trouble hearing.

Your ears ring constantly

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimate more than 50 million people suffer from some degree of tinnitus, making it one of the most common health conditions in the country. 

Both age-related hearing loss and noise-induced hearing loss can cause tinnitus, a condition also known as ringing in the ears. In these two situations, researchers believe tinnitus may be the brain’s way of filling in the missing frequencies it is no longer receiving from the auditory system.

You strain to listen and
it’s exhausting

If you find you're straining to listen to the conversation and are more exhausted than usual at the end of the day, you may have listening fatigue. Like a fading radio state or bad phone connection, you have difficulty following the conversation.

Most people are surprised to learn that hearing is a brain activity. When your auditory system is compromised, it takes a lot more effort for your brain to process the sound it receives from your inner ear. In effect, the signal is broken.

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